Browsing Category:Music industry

If you're looking for a way to get your music out into the public eye, releasing an album might be just what you need. The first thing that needs to happen is finding a producer who can create the sound you want. Next, find someone to mix and master your tracks, so they are not distorted or low quality...
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Music is an art form that has always been about collaboration. Many of the most successful composers and musicians in history created their greatest works with others, but what does it take for a team to be successful? Today we're going to talk all about how you can build your winning team of musicians!This blog post will cover: who...
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I've been in the music industry for a while now. I have seen bands come and go, some of them with great merch that makes me want to buy their CD or shirt just because it's so cool. However, there are many bands out there that do not have any merch at all. As a result, they are missing...
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The stage is where the action happens. The spotlight shines on you, and all eyes are on you. But how do you handle this pressure? What should you wear? How can I be sure to show my best self? These are questions every musician has asked themselves at one point or another. It's not easy, but it doesn't have...
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